About this blog

A blog about the meanderings of a craft designer and hand maker living in a beautiful island at the end of the earth....I'm a weaver addicted to her little Ashford Knitters Loom, a crocheter, knitter, painter, gardener and grandma. Rowena lives in Tasmania - a world apart, not a world away!

Craft is a social activity, shaped by communal resources and motivations. Leonardo Bonanni and Amanda Parkes Virtual guilds : collective intelligence and the future of craft JMC vol 3, no 2 July 2010 pp. 179-190

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Creating Again!

Whew and am I glad...finally got enough organised to be able to sit down and DO something. 
The spinning wheel is in the shop and has currently 3/4 bobbin of Tasmanian Superfine spun....wool on knitting needles making a square for fulling for a needle fleted bag...the little loom set up ready to warp tonight for a new wrap....and the big loom under threat for a sample using Wendy Koolhof's hand dyed laceweight silk and Mahdi's embellishing threads!


  1. So glad it has FINALLY happened Rowena - you must certainly have had itchy craft hands, especially seeing all these great works of other peoples coming in and providing fuel for the creative fires :)

  2. Hi Rowena, Just thought I would drop by your place - passed on via Killiecrankie Farm! Love your comment about yourself, I am in the midst of such things myself - never a truer comment than the time is now!!! Its going to take me an age to work through looking at all your stuff - yours and the shop, so much and so much that is inspiring for me. Well done you, it looks like all your efforts are coming to fruition - sounds like tasmania is a place with a buzz - wow!!
